
About Us

Shipping and Delivery of Digital Products

At exambuddy - Your Exam Buddy, our platform is designed to provide students with a seamless experience for exam preparation. Here's how it works:

Inputting Your Data

Training Your Model

Immediate Access

Technical Requirements

To make the most of our platform, ensure you have a compatible device and a stable internet connection.

Customer Support

If you encounter any technical issues while using our platform, our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you. Contact us at support@exambuddy.com for help.

Shipping-Related Issues

If you have any issues related to the delivery of digital products or require assistance with shipping-related matters, please contact us at shipping@exambuddy.com.

Refund Policy

Please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy for information regarding refunds related to our digital products and services.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions or concerns about our platform, including the use of your data, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@exambuddyai.com.